Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Mikhail Gorbachev and the Collapse of Communism

Mikhail Gorbachev opened up the Soviet Union and paved the way for the end of Communism.the people that had Communism now liked the way he
knew his way in politics and yet was so young for his age and were interested in their youth and energy and political skills he was the youngest ruler since Joseph Stalin. He wanted to give new ideas and by By the time he was 54 he was voted as Soviet leader. He didn't want to be exactly like Joseph Stalin but he wanted to give new ideas. He wanted to encourage the citizens to give him new ways of improving their society. Because of this, many new changes were made. He took innocent people out of jail, released books that were banned and opened churches so that the people could follow their religion.he did many great things and by that people started liking him and they way his ideas were.
he mad a policy that was called Galsnost.
"Glasnost" meant that openness like that allowed the people to say what ever they want that were in the soviet union. This mad a lot of change to society. Some goodand even some of it bad. The chain of complaints caused him to make a new policy that was called the Peristrokia which was the idea of economic reconstructing.

Monday, May 10, 2010

The Collapse of Communism

Communism collapse in Eastern Europe and the USSR because the people were getting tired od communism and didn't want it anymore. They didn't like their rules so they didn't want to obey them anymore. So because of the people that didn't want communism anymore it started to collapse and it broke the soviet union apart so then later on the western and eastern side together again. Even the USSR broke apart because many of the people rebelled against them to a point where the government couldn't control the people anymore.The people even teared down the Berlin wall because it was built to prevent people in the east side of Germany to escape communism so like the people didn't want communism they teared it down. In the 1991 the soviet leaders were no longer more and they were kicked out by their own countries.Even Party officials were killed for personal gain, weakening the party.It changed the world because they are barley any communism countries expect for Cuba etc. Also because it was a huge relief to some people.

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Nelson Mandela and Apartheid

Apartheid s the racial segregation policy of South America. This meant that people that were not white did not have the same rights as the people that were white. Like for instance they could not use public toilet cause it was only reserved for white people in parliament African American were not allowed to vote in there. So this technically meant that the non white people were separated from the white people and who ever did not obey this law or opposed were banned or even the leaders were killed so that no one could change what was going on and unite the non white with the white. Nelson Mandela was one of the people that was against apartheid. He was a hero because he a leader in the African National Congress. So because of that he was sentences to death but still he gave people hope and after 27 years he was finally released and then was awarded the noble peace prize and voted as president of South America. He so admired by the authors of these articles and site because of his courage and because of what he did kept giving hope to the people even if being in jail.

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

African Independence

Africa changed so much in the 20 year period from 1955 t0 1975. Africa changed because Africa was practically overthrown by the European nations. Almost all its countries were ruled by the European people.It wasn't fair that the European nation takes over Africa and making it theirs, they just took everything from Africa and made it theirs. By 1975 the Africans were tired of it and fought to gain their independence, yet there were few who didn't mind because the Europeans gave them new things and made Africa better. One of the most memorable leaders of African independence was Jomo KenyattaHe went to Europe to try to persuade them to give his people their well deserved freedom then he went to jail and after he became president of Kenya.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Film Lesson: "The Right Stuff"

The US and the USSR were competing for something in the film lesson The US was the United States and the USSR was the Russians and they were both competing to see who goes to space first. The first person to go to space was a guy named Yuri Gagarin who was Russian so the first man was Russian and they put the first satellite but the first to go to the moon was some from the Untied states. So technically who won the space race was the United States. The Russians had a head start so they were winning the competition but then we beat them the moon so we won the competition.The scene from the movie that made me remember the cold war was the part when they broke the sound barrier. Once Russia sent up their rocket, America tried so hard to send rockets up to space until they finally succeeded. Eventually they caught up and won the space race.

Monday, April 12, 2010

NATO and the warsaw pact

The NATO stand for Nation Atlantic Treaty Organization. NATO was a intergovernmental military alliance.that consisted of several countries in North America and Europe. The NATO was formed by Europe and The United States so that they could have defense alliances.If one of the countries were to be attacked by a nation the other NATO countries could come to their aid. Europe still had many economic problems so the United States were able to help them out and give them supplies.

The Warsaw pact was formed by the USSR and the Communist Easter European countries. Its was Like the NATO, it was a mutual defense alliance made to maintain power in Eastern Europe. The Soviet Union ran the Warsaw Pact and they gained control of the nations beside them.It was formed by Soviet Union and its satellite countries They renewed in 1985 In the 1980's the organization weakened severely.In 1991 the Pact decided to stop their existence.

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Film Lesson: "Schindler's List"

The film Schindler's list was based on the holocaust. It was a great movie because it illustrated the Holocaust. The film illustrated the holocaust because the scenes were very much like what was said that happened in the holocaust. The most powerful scene for me was when the families were taken apart and when they died little by little and got burned.When the moms tried to get their children when they were taken away and put in the trucks and drove them away.The labor camps were also horrible because the Jews died in a horrible way they were either cremated or died slowly in the cold and sickness. i must say that the images from the film that stayed with me were the sad face of there families being pulled apart and when people were dying and were thrown and burned underground. They were nearly bones and sick and uncovered. the way they got shot and they had no compassion when they shot the children.For me i think the film that was more powerful was this film because it showed more action and horrible that but in the other one it just showed pictures and not the way they were killed made it more powerful.This movie showed the people getting shot dying crying and burned so for me this movie was more powerful then "Night of Fog".