Friday, September 18, 2009

Copernicus and the trail of Galileo

There are two theories of the solar system and they are the geocentric and heliocentric theories of the solar system. The difference between the two of them is that the geocentric theory of the solar system is that Earth is in the center of the universe. The other theory which is heliocentric thinks that the sun is in the center of the universe .The theory that is correct is the heliocentric theory. The theory that came first is the geocentric theory.

Galileo belived in Heliocentric theory. By following in his belief the church was against him and then put him on trail. he was on trail because of his actions.The church belived only in what the bible said.After the trail Galileo was forced to stop beliving in heliocentric and then he was banned from the church.

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Scientific Revolution: the scientific method

The scientific revolution lead to the scientist to start experimenting and it was also a challenge for the new ideas. An example is that Aristotle had a theory that was heavy object fell faster then the lighter objects and for like about 1500 years people believed him. Then came another Italian man named Galileo started to experiment Aristotle theory then he began to discover that Aristotle theory was wrong. Aristotle was wrong about his theory that heavy objects fall faster then lighter objects, the right answer was that objects with any-kind of weight fall at the same speed.

Then the new theory became to be called the scientific method. The scientific method is to prove wrong or to prove right a idea. But they just could not accept a idea or theory.Then came along another scientist that was named Issac Newton and he explained the laws of gravity and paved the way for our modern understanding of physics. Even Issac Newton proved wrong Aristotle theory wrong he thought that one set of physical laws governed earth and that another set governed the rest of the universe. But Issac Newton argued that there was a universal law of gravitation that applied equally to earth and the heavens.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Creation vs. Evolution

Creation is a religious belief that god made the eath and gave life to us and created all the aniamls and things in the universe. The church is against Darwins theory of evolution and the other people that belive in Darwin's theory do not belive in creation or the church. The church believes in what the bible says and tell them what to do. They believe that the universe was created in six days. Then the seventh day he rested.

Evolution is the theory of darwin he made it in four different sections and they were Darwin's Theory of Evolution - The Premise, second is Darwin's Theory of Evolution - Natural Selection, third is Darwin's Theory of Evolution - Slowly But Surely- and lastly is Darwin's Theory of Evolution - A Theory In Crisis. The scientist are not against the church but they are just trying to find another explanation about how the Earth was created and they call it the Big Bang theory.

In my opinion I believe in the creation theory that god made the earth the planet and the universe. Also that scientist are wrong that they are just trying to find another explanation for what God made. Some people judge what God did because they believe in the evolution theory. Some times i also get confused in what to believe to.In my whole life I learned to believe the creation theory.