Thursday, February 25, 2010

The Treaty of Versailles (ended WW I)

The treaty of Versailles was the cause of war world 2. The treaty of Versailles happened
at the end of war world 1.Although it was a pact to end a war and and to cause no more wars it eventually lead to another war.The treaty of Versailles affected Germany at the endbecause they were held responsible for the cause of war world 1 and they lost some of there land which was Turkey.They had to clean up the mess of war world which was not far at all because they were held responsible for the war and had to give up some of there land. The treaty of Versailles was also called the treaty of peace which was suppose to be a treat of peace but in this cause it was not. It was one of the peace treaties that stopped the war.Some of the rules of the treat of Versailles was that they had to give some of there land up also the in there army therre could not be more then 10,000 men.
The rules were the following:

* German army – no conscription 100,000 man limit
* Saar coal mining area controlled by France
* German coal to France, Belgium, Italy for 10 years
* German naval fleet to be surrendered to Britain and restricted in size (the Germans surrendered the fleet by sinking in at Scapa Flow Scotland).
* Germany surrendered all colonies, which would welcome Mandates
* Alsace and Lorraine restored to France (had been taken by Germany, during the Franco-Prussian War of 1878)
* Poland created with territor from West Prussia. Polish Corridor – Danzig – Baltic (created Germany and East Prussia).
* Allies occupy the west bank of the RhineI to French border for 15 years (would become a demilitarized zone)
* Germany must pay reparations (money and/or goods) to the Allies
* Clause 231 – Germany must admit full responsibility or guilt for the war (would be called the war guilt clause).
* The league of Nations would be formed from Wilson’s 14 points

This rules were unfair to the German because they could not win a war with only 10,000 men in their army.The war was not entirely there fault.It was also unfair that they had to give up there navy army and more.It was unfair that they had to pay for all the damages caused by the war.Also that they had to give up and that they had to return Alsace and Lorraine which Germany had taken form France.Some of the historian lead to to the rise of Fascism and Adolph Hitler because Germany need a ruler to lead them out of France unfair treaty so then Hitler got to powerful that he became dictator and cause ww2. Historian say this because the treaty was unfair and it was the cause of ww2.

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Mustafa Kemal (Ataturk) and the Modernization of Turkey

Musta Kemal Atuark was the first president of Turkey. He was president from octoberr 29 1923 through November 10 1938. He was in office like about 15 years. Kemal (aka: Ataturk) modernized Turkey and made it more secular because he had made it less a religious. Secular meant that having objects that are not religious in any kind. Mustafa Kemal was a very famous young man who led his people to victory and independence. Mustafa found the Turkish Republic and became the first president. He also before he became president he was in the military and was a hero and he was also 1st prime minister of turkey, he was the 1st speaker of the parliament of turkey, he was also the 1st leader of the republicans people's party.He also stopped the ottoman empire and then he was president for 15 years. The other changes that he made was that he modernized Turkey by the new legal system in Turkey that all citizens that are men and women and even rich and poor and they all had equal rights.
Even peasants were considered important. The style and fashion became different and he made the Turkish men wear hats instead of the fez. Men wore clothes like the Westerners suit, tie, pants, and shoes. Then he also made women stop wearing a veil that covers the face.

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Film lesson "Gandhi"

Gandhi was born in October 2 in 1869 in Porbandar, Kathiawar Agency in British India.His full name was Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi but all over the world he was mostly known as Mahatma Gandhi and Mahatma meant " Great soul". He is also honored in India for what he did for his India as "The Father of the nation" because of what he did for his country India. What Gandhi did for his nation was that he gain independence from Great Britian by using non-violence. In the movie when they used non- violence they would be hit in the head and body and they would not fight back so by using that the British people would get a little angry because they wanted the Indian to fight back to there mistreatment and they would boycott British goods like the cloths and the salt. They made a salt march that was the would march to the ocean to get salt they would make their own salt. He protested in a peaceful way . So he told the Indian people that if any of them used violence he would fast so his followers were scared that if he would fast again he would die. So they stopped . So Gandhi used non - violence to get India's independence because Gandhi used non violence and the British used violence so it made British look bad and Indians good. India's independence was not only about Gandhi because they all used non - violence to get there Independence because if it was not for all off them that made India look good they would have not gotten there independence . What happened in great Britain during India's independence was that that wanted to be free because they were mistreated because they werre not allowed to sit in first class if someone wanted that seat. So all Indians worked together to win India's independence from Great Britain.