Thursday, December 10, 2009

film lesson: mountains of the moon

In the movie " Mountain of The Moon" the hardship that the mans had. It is about two English explorers traveled down the middle of Africa where no white men have traveled before.Searching on their expedition the source of the Nile river. On there search they also took along some African men to help them on their expedition and on that some African Americans starting dieing because of the malaria some of them caught on their traveling.Then later on in the movie one of them killed him self because of how he and his partner disagreed on many things.They have been through a lot during those seven months like they seen the king and also had been through night robberes like in the nights they have been robbed so then like some of the African Americans could not take it anymore they just decided to leave. Also others did from starvation or from the water infection there was in the water. They named the source of the of the Nile river lake Victoria because they named it after there queen on a African territory. The primary technological advantage that Europeans had over African people because Europe conquered the Africans.The Europeans were able to conquer the African Americans because of the guns and like they had never seen guns it was easy for the Europeans to conquer them

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