Friday, December 18, 2009

Opium Wars - Imperialism in China

The Opium war is also known as the angle Chinese war. The Opium War began in China, the British wanted China's tea but they didn't want to trade with the British.It was a war that took place because of a drug. The Chinese found that drug very addictive and they wanted it but they new that the others would not give it up.Since the British were the ones trading it with the China and for them to get Opium they had to trade tea.Then the government didn't like the idea of trading tea with the British for tea so the government decided that whoever trades with the British for the drug would be killed.So then the British new that china was the only ones that had the tea. so they threw the port to get to the tea. so then the British used war to get the drug. They used the war because they had good equipment and technology to over run the Chinese and because of that they won. so then the British decided to make the Chinese sign a treaty called the "Treaty of Nanjing" but the Chinese did not want to sign it so they decided to go to war again and like before the British won again.Which made the British have more power.

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