Monday, January 11, 2010

Causes of WWI

WWI began in 1914 it was cause because of many reason. Many innocent people were murdered brutally. The improvement of machine guns, poison gas, and other deadly weapons of war contributed to the a lot killings.One of the biggest causes of this world war, was nationalism. Nationalism was the love for one's country. Because of this, it fueled the hatred that one country to another country. The revolution happened because of the Czar Nicholas II had left the throne. Czar Nicholas II was the one who made Russia into WWI and he kept sending troops to fight while people of starving. He was being a bad Czar and was abdicated from his throne.Another cause of the world war was the assassination of king Ferdinand of Austria-Hungary. He was killed by someone from Serbia. Austria-Hungary realized they had a right to blame Serbia for the killing of their leader. Because of this they decided to declare war. This event leaded to the start of World War I.

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