Thursday, February 11, 2010

Film lesson "Gandhi"

Gandhi was born in October 2 in 1869 in Porbandar, Kathiawar Agency in British India.His full name was Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi but all over the world he was mostly known as Mahatma Gandhi and Mahatma meant " Great soul". He is also honored in India for what he did for his India as "The Father of the nation" because of what he did for his country India. What Gandhi did for his nation was that he gain independence from Great Britian by using non-violence. In the movie when they used non- violence they would be hit in the head and body and they would not fight back so by using that the British people would get a little angry because they wanted the Indian to fight back to there mistreatment and they would boycott British goods like the cloths and the salt. They made a salt march that was the would march to the ocean to get salt they would make their own salt. He protested in a peaceful way . So he told the Indian people that if any of them used violence he would fast so his followers were scared that if he would fast again he would die. So they stopped . So Gandhi used non - violence to get India's independence because Gandhi used non violence and the British used violence so it made British look bad and Indians good. India's independence was not only about Gandhi because they all used non - violence to get there Independence because if it was not for all off them that made India look good they would have not gotten there independence . What happened in great Britain during India's independence was that that wanted to be free because they were mistreated because they werre not allowed to sit in first class if someone wanted that seat. So all Indians worked together to win India's independence from Great Britain.

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