Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Mustafa Kemal (Ataturk) and the Modernization of Turkey

Musta Kemal Atuark was the first president of Turkey. He was president from octoberr 29 1923 through November 10 1938. He was in office like about 15 years. Kemal (aka: Ataturk) modernized Turkey and made it more secular because he had made it less a religious. Secular meant that having objects that are not religious in any kind. Mustafa Kemal was a very famous young man who led his people to victory and independence. Mustafa found the Turkish Republic and became the first president. He also before he became president he was in the military and was a hero and he was also 1st prime minister of turkey, he was the 1st speaker of the parliament of turkey, he was also the 1st leader of the republicans people's party.He also stopped the ottoman empire and then he was president for 15 years. The other changes that he made was that he modernized Turkey by the new legal system in Turkey that all citizens that are men and women and even rich and poor and they all had equal rights.
Even peasants were considered important. The style and fashion became different and he made the Turkish men wear hats instead of the fez. Men wore clothes like the Westerners suit, tie, pants, and shoes. Then he also made women stop wearing a veil that covers the face.

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